Keynote Speakers

Thomas Flynn

Digital Heritage Consultant. The United Kingdom

Short Biography
Thomas is a well-known and respected cultural heritage practitioner specialising in 3D digitisation, online publishing, open access, storytelling, and interoperability. He was the Cultural Heritage Lead at Sketchfab/Epic Games and cofounder of Museum in a Box Ltd.

He has previously worked for the British Museum and acted as a consultant on 3D Cultural Heritage matters for  UNESCO, The European Commission, Oxford University, Creative Commons, UK Research & Innovation, Columbia University, and University College London to list but a few.

Currently, he is an independent consultant to the Cultural Heritage community and serves as co-chair of the IIIF 3D Community Group and the advisory board of the Rijksmuseum’s 2&3D conference. He also produces The Spatial Heritage Review, a monthly round-up of all things happening at the intersection of Cultural Heritage + Digital 3D. 












